Welcome New Patients!
The Physical Therapy and Wellness Center is located at the south end of main street in Red Bluff, near Tehama Family Fitness Center and St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. We have a cheerful and dedicated front desk staff eager to assist you.
If you are a new patient we encourage you to download the form below so when you visit the clinic we can get started with evaluation and treatment as quickly as possible.
For Your First Session
Please bring your insurance card, photo ID, and the prescription for physical therapy written by your Physician or Referring Provider.
Please download the ‘New Patient Packet’ from the bottom of this page and have it filled out when you arrive for your first appointment and arrive 10-15 minutes early to complete intake requirements for your first session.
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, gym shorts are helpful.
What You Can Expect
Comprehensive one-on-one examination and assessment with an expert Physical Therapist.
Development of a program designed specifically for you based on your examination and your personal health and/or fitness goals.
In most cases treatment will begin and include instruction in an individualized home exercise program to address your needs, manual therapy interventions and supportive measures to facilitate your recovery.
New Patient Packet
We look forward to meeting you and finding the best way to care for your needs. So take a moment to download and fill out this important form. Thanks!