Referring Providers
The Physical Therapy and Wellness Center was founded in 1986 and continues to be locally owned and operated. Since the company’s inception we have supported and sponsored the Red Bluff Round-Up, PBR, High School and youth sports, food drives, and many local community organizations and charities. We are dedicated to our communities and eager to share our expertise in musculoskeletal care and movement.
We understand that nothing is more important than your patient’s results. To this end, we are strong proponents of evidence-based practice and ensure our effectiveness with participation in national outcomes data collection, continuing to exceed expectations.
We know you have a choice when it comes to referring your patients to physical therapy care and we appreciate your consideration, as well as the opportunity to assist in the care of your patients.
Download our referral slip and fax to 530-529-2241
If further questions do arise, please feel free to contact us at:
Tel: 530-529-3636 or E-mail Us here.