Pitcher’s Elbow: Risk Factors And Prevention
One of the most common injuries pitchers experience is “Pitcher’s Elbow”, or medial epicondyle apophysitis. This condition causes pain and swelling inside of the elbow, which in addition to hurting, can limit a pitcher’s range of motion.

Remaining Physically Active As We Age
If you’re an adult over 50 you have probably had a conversation with your doctor about the importance of remaining physically active for life.

Benefits Of Good Posture
Did you know that improving your posture even a little bit can significantly boost how you feel, how you function and improve your overall health?

Train Smart for Fall and Winter Sports
How you prepare for an athletic season can more than just affect your performance on the field, court or course. It can save you from injury, and sometimes it can even save your life.

New Guidelines for Evaluation & Treatment of Concussions
Concussions have been an active topic of discussion among medical providers, coaches, parents and athletes for several years – and for good reason.