Remaining Physically Active As We Age
Why It’s Important to Remain Physically Active as We Age
If you’re an adult over 50 you have probably had a conversation with your doctor about the importance of remaining physically active for life. There’s a good reason for that. Regular physical activity can have a significant impact on your overall health and quality of life as you age.
According to an article published in Physiopedia:
Older adults who engage in regular physical activity typically also experience improved mental and cognitive function, improved balance, strength, coordination, flexibility and endurance.
“Many non-communicable diseases (NCDs) prevalent in older adults can benefit from participation in regular physical activity. The potential effects of exercise on the health of older adults include:
• Reduced risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancers and diabetes.
• Prevention of post-menopausal osteoporosis and protection against osteoporotic fractures by reducing the risk of falls.
Older adults who engage in regular physical activity typically also experience improved mental and cognitive function, improved balance, strength, coordination, flexibility and endurance.
• A reduction in accidental falls.
• A reduction in loneliness and isolation, along with a reduction in depression, which may be as effective as antidepressants.
• A reduction in the complications of immobility, such as deep vein thrombosis and pressure sores.”
Benefits Of Activity For Older Adults
Older adults who engage in regular physical activity typically also experience improved mental and cognitive function, improved balance, strength, coordination, flexibility and endurance. Furthermore, regular physical activity can reduce falls which are a major cause of disability among older adults.
Finding An Exercise Routine
What you do to move your body depends largely on your circumstances and your interests. Walking, swimming, stretching, dancing, gardening, hiking and other related activities may be appropriate for many people. Our physical therapists can help you determine an appropriate activity regimen designed to maintain or increase your flexibility and balance. However, some adults, especially those with a medical condition or disability, may want to consult their doctor to determine what activities should be avoided.
Make regular physical activity not just a goal, but a priority. Contact our office today to meet with one of our physical therapists and develop a safe, effective activity regimen for a longer, happier life.